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In the face of the continuing health crisis, CanCham Thailand has adopted new protocols to help ensure safety. These include guidelines and precautions related to events, meetings, and all other in-person gatherings.

  • All Attendees are required to show proof of double shots of vaccination and conduct an on-site ATK test which will be conducted by nurse before entering the events.

  • All staff and attendees must wear face coverings that completely cover their mouth and nose at all times, in both indoor and outdoor spaces, and attendees must maintain a physical distance of at least one meter at all times during the gatherings. Attendees should keep in mind that whenever two people spend time within one meter of one another for more than ten minutes, they are considered “close contacts” and would need to quarantine if either of them tests positive.

  • All staff and attendees have to check their temperature at the entrance (not over 37.5 Degree Celsius) before entering the gatherings.  

  • All staff and attendees have to clean the hands with alcohol hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol before entering and during the gatherings.

  • All staff and attendees have to register for ‘Thaichana’ at the entrance before entering and leaving the gatherings.

  • Avoid touching your mask, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands during the gatherings.

  • Register and make a payment in advance to avoid physical touch with others.

  • All attendees have to answer the symptom and travel screen questions at the registration, the attendees who have symptoms and traveling records are advised to refrain from participation and to seek medical attention. Attendees without symptoms and records will be provided with a sticker that is easily visible, before entry to the event.

    • Symptoms screen

    • Fever or chills

    • Cough 

    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Congestion or runny nose

    • Headache 

    • Sore throat 

    • New loss of taste or smell 

    • Vomiting 

    • Diarrhea

  • Travel record screen

    • Has the attendee traveled outside of Thailand or the risk areas in the past 14 days?

    • Has the attendee had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

    • The Venue and food service

  • Provide sufficient space for the gatherings and attendance cannot exceed 60% of the venue’s standard capacity.

  • Maintain regular cleaning of the equipment, facilities, and service areas, especially for objects frequently touched and used by people; such as handrails, doorknobs, and toilets; at least twice per day. Detergent and 70% alcohol solutions are recommended for cleaning.

    • Provide hand washing facilities or alcohol hand sanitizer, especially in areas that have a lot of shared contact such as toilets, meeting rooms, registration points, food distribution points, etc.

    • Table seating will be limited to 5-8 people per table to maintain social distancing and set up at least 1 meter apart.

    • Clean and sanitize venue service utensils and equipment at all times.

CanCham Thailand | February 2022

For more information please contact:

CanCham Thailand

(Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
9th floor, Sethiwan Tower, 139 Pan Road, Silom,

Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand


+66 (0) 2 266 6085-6

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