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Trees4All crowdfunding mechanism launches in Thailand

What is Trees4All?

Trees4All is a collaborative platform for crowdfunding designed to restore forest landscapes by closing a funding gap for smallholder farmers and engaging private sector companies and the general public in sponsoring tree planting.

Under Trees4All, a fundraising campaign has been created on the Thai crowdfunding platform The cost of participation starts at 100 Thai baht (US$3) for one tree. The campaign wants to raise 1 million Thai baht in donations (US$30,000) by 24 February 2023. The funds will be used to finance 100 smallholders to grow 100 native tree species on their farmlands.

In total, 10,000 trees of diverse species will be planted. These trees will help restore the ecosystem and generate alternative sources of income for farmers.

The Rak Santisuk Community Financial Institute will disburse the donated funds to participating farmers as installments over three years. Each farmer will receive total financial support of 6,000 Thai baht (US$170) to plant and tend their trees.


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